PPS-toeslag 2024

Met deze subsidie wordt publiek-private samenwerking gestimuleerd. Deze toeslag is door Topsector Life Sciences & Health beschikbaar gesteld aan Longfonds.


(in English)

Public-Private Partnership allowance

Health~Holland (topsector Life Sciences and Health) and Longfonds enable consortia of researchers and companies to apply for a grant (PPP-allowance) for basic, translational or applied research. The maximum amount of support in 2024 (TKI programme 2023) is 365.000 euro. Research projects have to contribute to the goals and objectives of both the topsector LSH and Longfonds.

Longfonds aims

Longfonds works with various main research themes, divided into different (non-exclusive) topics (“research agenda”). The PPS funding allocated to Longfonds will be used for proposals that fit these themes:

1. Who gets a lung disease? On to earlier recognition

  • Better diagnostics for patients with asthma, both for children and later in life (e.g. AI)
  • Mechanisms of origin of asthma in early childhood

2. How do we prevent lung diseases?

  • Role of air pollution in the development and worsening of lung diseases

3. How do you prevent, recognize and treat lung attacks?

  • Better understanding of the molecular (immunological) mechanisms of lung attacks (aimed at drug development) and of the recovery phase after a lung attack
  • Better understanding of the problems related to lung attacks: phenotyping (clinical / psychosocial), linked to a more person-oriented treatment (who really needs to be treated and who does not) and finding predictive markers for lung attacks

 4.  Better personalized treatment for people with lung diseases

  • Personalized treatment based on pathogenetic mechanisms

Health~Holland aims

Project proposals must fit within the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda 2020-2023 of the Top Sector LSH. Ten LSH roadmaps are mentioned in this strategic document (page 18). This document and the roadmaps provide the framework for the LSH research program of the projects eligible in this program.

Funding conditions

The PPP-funds are meant to stimulate economic activity in the health sector. Therefore, companies should participate in the project consortium in such a way that their involvement provides an added value to the project.

Longfonds will only consider research proposals for funding that fit the research categories fundamental, industrial research and experimental research. For fundamental research funding is maximized at 75 percent of the total eligible project costs, for industrial research funding is maximized at 50 percent of the total eligible project costs, and for experimental development this is 25 percent. Research in projects is often a combination of fundamental, industrial and experimental research. Universities and/or the companies have to finance the remaining part of the project costs, either in kind or in cash. Please take note of the definitions for the three types of research in Appendix 1 in the document Overview requirements LSH PPP programme 2024 - Longfonds.

Note: Longfonds will not provide additional funding to support project costs not covered by the PPS grant.

In order to stimulate the public-private partnership, the participating companies should provide a minimum of 15 percent of the eligible project costs, either in cash or in kind (for small and medium companies). When large companies are involved 2/3 of the 15 percent of the eligible costs should be provided in cash (10 percent of total eligible project costs). See also in Appendix 2 in the document Overview requirements LSH PPP programme 2024 – Longfonds.

The consortium has to sign a consortium agreement following the PPS-allowance regulation. This agreement describes agreements of the partners on intellectual property rights and the roles and contributions of each of the partners. A template for this agreement can be found under downloads.

A PPS-grant awarded project will have to start before December 31, 2024 with a deadline for finishing the project in October 16, 2028 (no extensions possible).

Procedure & Timeline 2024

  • Start call for proposal: March 6 (deadline passed)
  • Submit project idea: April 15, before 12 noon (deadline passed)
  • Submit full application: June 3, before 12 noon     
  • Final meeting with interview sessions: September 24
  • Notification of award/rejection: beginning of October

Applications can be submitted to research@longfonds.nl.

Before the grant agreement between the consortium and Longfonds can be finalized, the awarded consortium has to provide a signed consortium agreement. The signed consortium agreement has to be sent to Longfonds within a month after the grant decision.


The Ministry of Economic Affairs, Health~Holland and the Longfonds offer a unique opportunity to the lung research community to obtain funding for economically viable research. The Longfonds believes that economically viable research will also benefit patients and is therefore willing to facilitate and enable a successful application procedure.



For more information or questions you could contact the research department by email.